Todd Plaia

My research has focused on creating and developing various genetic based diagnostic and research tools and protocols. As a Senior Biologist with Department of Bacteriology at the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) (Manassas, VA), my research was in environmental microbiology, genetic based technologies, and biochemical assays to investigate the roles of micro-organisms in groundwater systems, the rhizosphere of wetland plants, as well as deep sea hydrothermal vent systems. More recently I began to apply these techniques to study the bio-corrosion and preservation of historical shipwrecks and submerged archaeological aircrafts in marine environments. My focus is to promote underwater field studies, sampling, and site assessments in conjunction with molecular biological analysis. I have conducted the investigations of bio-corrosion samples from archaeological sites located in the Chesapeake Bay including the U-1105 submarine and STC-410 tank barge. Additionally, I conducted similar molecular genetic and microbiological studies associated with the corrosion of submerged WWII aircraft from the Marshall Islands, and more recently the U.S.S. Monitor. I have been successful in formulating collaborative projects with the Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy; the Maryland Historical Trust; Center for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation (CMAC, Texas A & M University); the Mariners’ Museum (Newport News, Virginia) and the Institute of Maritime History (IMH). These efforts have resulted in the establishment of the Archaeo-Genomics Laboratory at CMAC (AGL-CMAC), where I serve as a Project Manager for similar projects. Currently working full time in the scuba industry, I am also involved with course development directed towards underwater archaeological and scientific diving techniques.

Areas of Expertise

  • Application of molecular and biological methods to study bio-corrosion
  • Training and course development for scientific diving

Current Position

  • General Manager of Adventure Scuba Company, Chantilly, Virginia
  • Project Manager for AGL-CMAC, Texas A&M University

Current Projects

  • Archaeo-Genomics Laboratory (AGL-CMAC)


  • M.S. Biology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA., January 1998
  • B.S. Biology, Mary Washington University, Fredericksburg, VA., May 1991

Professional Activities

  • Project Manager for AGL-CMAC, Texas A&M University
  • NAUI Instructor

IMH Projects

  • Course development for limited visibility and entanglement scuba training 2008, 2009
  • Molecular survey for iron-oxidizing bacteria on U-1105 and STC-410. 2006

Selected Publications

  • Plaia TW and Emerson DE. (2006). An undisclosed envIRONment: Formation and Distribution of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria in the Chesapeake Bay. The Institute for Maritime History.
  • Plaia TW, Neyland R and Fix PD. (2006). “Investigation of bacteria associated with WWII aircraft wrecks in Jaluit lagoon, Marshall Islands: Implications for microbiologically influenced corrosion.” Published Report submitted to Underwater Archaeology Branch, Naval Historical trust, Department of Navy.
  • Emerson DE, Rentz JA and Plaia TW. (2008). “Sideroxydans lithotrophicus gen. nov. sp. nov. and Gallionella ferruginea ssp.capsiferriformans ssp. nov. oxygen-dependent ferrous iron-oxidizing bacteria that grow at circumneutral pH.”International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Accepted).
  • Weiss JV, Rentz JA, Plaia TW, Neubauer SC, Floyd MM, Lilburn TG, Bradburne C, Megonigal JP and Emerson D. (2007). Characterization of Neutrophilic Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated from the Rhizosphere of Wetland Plants and Description of Ferritrophicum radicicola gen. nov. sp. nov., and Sideroxydans paludicola sp. nov. Geomicrobiology Journal, Vol. 24, No. 7-8. pp. 559-570.
  • Shelobolina ES, Nevin KP, Blakeney-Hayward JD, Johnsen CV, Plaia TW, Krader P, Woodard T, Holmes DE, VanPraagh CG, and Lovley DR. (2007). “Novel microorganisms isolated from subsurface kaolin lenses: Geobacter pickeringii sp.nov., Geobacter argillaceus sp.nov. and Pelosinus fermentans, gen.nov., sp. nov”. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 57.1:126-35.

Selected Oral Presentations

  • Plaia TW and Emerson D. Investigation of iron-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) associated with shipwrecks in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Maryland: Implications for microbiologically influenced corrosion. Middle Atlantic Archaeology Conference, Virginia Beach, VA 2007 and Maritime and Archaeological Historical Society, McLean, VA 2007.

Selected Abstracts

  • “Waterlogged Wood from the USS Monitor: A New Direction for Research and Collaboration.” AIC 37th Annual Meeting, 2009.
  • “The implications of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) for submerged cultural resources: Characterizing the microbial communities associated with composite metal structures.” Society for Historical Archaeology, 2008.
  • “That which is most obvious is what we know the least: Investigation of a freshwater Fe-oxidizing microbial mat community.” Astrobiology Science Conference, 2006.

Sipriz at Tall Timbers

Geert van der Kolk, a friend of IMH, had a traditional Haitian fishing sloop built at Ile la Vache last year, sailed her from Haiti to Florida, displayed her at a museum in Palm Beach, then brought her to DC for display at American University, all to publicize the plight of the Haitian people generally and the boat people specifically.  She is now at Tall Timbers, pending donation to a maritime museum.  Pictures and story at



Address the U.S. Ocean Policy Taskforce

Dear colleagues,

We often discuss how policy makers fail to give little or no consideration to our issues.  In June, the Obama Administration created the Interagency Ocean Policy Taskforce under the President’s Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).  It is important for us to note that “preserving our maritime heritage” is identified as part of the National Policy.

The Interagency Ocean Policy Taskforce web site link is:  This site offers an on-line opportunity to provide comment to the Taskforce.  We should take this opportunity to provide some input on issues that are important to us.

For example, one issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of federal protections for cultural resources on the EEZ.  This will be critical with new and expanding federal legislation supporting alternative energy project, and especially as more States consider allowing oil exploration and alternative energy projects off their shores,

I encourage you to visit this site and provide input on cultural heritage issues.



Victor Mastone,
Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeology

U-1105 and Favorite – what amazing dives!

The Roper is finally home and we took her out Satuday to dive the U-1105 and the Favorite. 

The visibility on the U-1105 was the best any of us has ever seen, ambient light actually reached the boat enough to be able to see your buddy or the u-boat from several feet away, perhaps as much as 10-15 feet with your light.  Between the great visibility and the absolute lack of current, it was my first opportunity to really tour the u-boat and get a feel for her.  I have posted photos on Facebook and will also e-mail them to Dave, so he can add to this blog.

Newlyweds Lee and Debbie Nelson joined us for the weekend, as did new members McKinney Edwards and Bill Toti, who will be participating in next week’s Field School.  I guess we didn’t scare them off!

Roper is back!

She safely returned from St. Augustine on Friday, 7 August.  The folks at LAMP worked her hard and took very good care of her.  She is fully operational for the upcoming field school in the Potomac.

We might take her south again next year for another session, perhaps with some modifications — including better stowage on deck and below, and a small derrick for lifting more ballast from the site LAMP is working.